This is the Al-Ahlia Group’s
holding company and carries
out core functions such as
strategy planning, business
development, financial and
HR policies, and handles
external affairs.
All new ventures are
evaluated in the light of
the shareholders’ vision,
Group strategy, and
feasibility studies.
Surplus funds are wisely
invested in the growth and
expansion of the Group. The
investment arm of the Group
simultaneously makes prudent
decisions for the investment
of funds locally and
For the Al-Ahlia Group,
customers and employees are
the most important assets,
and their satisfaction and
well-being is a cornerstone
of the Group’s success.
Al-Ahlia General Trading Co.
(Pvt.) Ltd
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel : +971 2 641 9811
Fax: +971 2 641 9822 |